Click your map, go to the Town Center and into the Night Club.34. Click Thanks a lot.33. How to get 100% for the game: 2. They should be strong enough for the job.63. 23. (Turn him off). In the PSA mission, The Veggie Villain, Herbert planted a Popcorn Bomb in the PSA HQ to defeat the PSA once and for all. 15. Go into the Stage, pick up the fake beard and put it in your inventory.49. Waddle up to the Mountain, then go down the sled race - use the path you figured out from the telescope to get to the penguins. Agents then ran into Herbert's Lair. Use Bouncer to throw a snowball at the robots face. Go down the right path and talk to Jet Pack Guy.36. Click So be it. Everyone else, look for items to temporarily plug the hole.93. The PSA lost all their data, and the dominant agency switched from the Penguin Secret Agency to the Elite Penguin Force. Click the white puffle and click the river.59. This was Herbert's plan put into action. Click the open drawer and you will get the Mechno Duster for your Spy Gadget. After the UFO flies into space, the EPF initiates a new mission called Operation: Tri-umph, in this mission they have to stop Herbert from uncolorizing the island, blasting the island rooms and shrinking the penguins with the help of the power source stolen from the UFO. Click I need to get out there and help my team!9. 8. Pick up the corn seeds and put them in your inventory.26. Collect all snake tokens from missions 2-7 3. He used the outer body of the Solar Laser. 1. Go to the Pet Shop and talk to the Pet Store Clerk. Protobot's plan after was to rule the entire galaxy by stealing secret technology from the EPF. I still cant find that code, and not the one that unlocks 2500 coins. 5. This was the first time the EPF was seen online. So then pick up his hat, and give it to him. Click Great job everyone!57. After saving them they received the Thermos so they are ready for the next day. To do that, click on Flit and then the object. 11. Mission9 Guide-Super Secret Gadgets. 14. Go into the Sports Shop and talk to Dot again. Click your map, go to the Town Center and into the Gift Shop.12. 4. 14.Take the sauces. 2. Press the buttons to create the correct pattern. Afterwards you have to go to the Snow forts. Click Understood G, but what about me?74. The1stpenguin is Aunt Arctic, the2nd penguinis Jet Pack Guy, the 3rd penguin is Dot, the 4th penguin is Rookie and the last penguin is Gary. 51.Complete. Pick up the newspaper on the table and look at it. 5. Put the snowboard on. Click the black puffle and click the wind thingy.48. Click the white puffle and then the river.14. Click on the puffle and click on Its Pop! as the answerto the question. In spite of this, he gathered Super Villains affected by the meteor to assist in his evil plans. 7. So then you go to the lighthouse and click on the barrel. 39.Go to the Shop Cave. 40. Complete all missions 1-10 2. Go to the bamboo patch and click the lower part of the patch, and pop him out of the bubble. Click the yellow puffle and then the frozen cage.19. You need to use Bouncer to impress her. Click Glad to be of help!24. Go to your inventory, select the cream soda and use it on Jet Pack Guy.28. Tie the rope to the cart and take Blast to knock the boulder off the ledge. The Secret Agents questioned what the EPF is. Line the colors up by using the white area to move the colors around the circle.69. The Elite Penguin Force Agents worked closely with the Club Penguin Police Department, and Super Hero teams such as The Avengers, to put a stop to the growing rate of crime on Club Penguin Island. You have completed Mission 8! The Everyday Phoning Facility building was highly damaged. It is still unknown what Herbert was actually building, but he used parts of the Solar Laser. Click Herbert! Ive heard a lot about you.8. Click your whistle and select the purple puffle.18. She will give you Chirp. On November 24, they invaded his lair, shut off the solar laser, and saved the island. Sinking! Click on it and Dot will talk to you. Rotate the wrench to loosen the bolts.54. 10. thank you soooooo much i finally know what to do! 5. Then go to the Costume Trunk and pick out a costume because you need fancy clothes for the Night Club. 7. 14. In addition, the geyser floods Club Penguin. The plan so far was the puffles digging treasure and giving it to him. OK, sorry i didnt specify this. Those are all the mission guides! He then battles the new Extra-Planetary Federation Agents to rule the universe, but is defeated by the advanced technology and explodes. 1. Use Flare to help him weld the metal to the booth. Use Blast to hit the piata. 6. Complete the mini game: Amazing Maze.57. The Club Penguin EPF Field Ops missions continue this week with Field Ops Mission 15. Click No, Director. Go back through the corn to the ladder.61. i cant find the coffee shop manager to get the mission where you have to find the coconuts. On November 8, 2012, Herbert kidnapped Gary the Gadget Guy and froze him in his newly built fortress, which he moved into after Puffle Trouble. Break the ice with Chirp then get the hat inside. 8. Possibly upset about his defeat during Operation: Blackout, Herbert attacked the Pizza Parlor, vandalized it and stole the large bottle of Hot Sauce. Down here!23. He will tell you to score a goal on the goalie. Blast will fall to the town. First of all what you have to do is go and talk to aunt arctic then go to the coffe shop. Put the glasses on and start the eye scan. Congratulations! Click Alright. Talk with PH and train with Flit by collecting 3 gold rings. Pick up all three tracking devices, he inflatable duck. Rotate the wrench to loosen the bolts.78. On November 20, agents equipped the Deflection Vest to cross a laser security system and infiltrate Security Terminal 4. If youre going to do something, nows the time!71. Click Whats the EPF?72. 4. 41.Drag this items to the gift shop in this order: Net, Pegs, Hammer. Then use Flare to weld them to the Bucket. Click your spy gadget, select the wrench and use it on the vault door. Go into the corn that is to the left of the ladder. 2. Pick up the blue arm floaties.42. Complete the mini game: Grapple Gadget.79. Then talk to PH one last time and the mission is finished. Use Flare to melt the ice off the chest. 33. Click your whistle, select the purple puffle.104. Pickup the soup thats under the middle table, and then go to the. Talk to Aunt Arctic, and she will give you a Your a terrific friend Card. After saving five of them they received the Search Flashlight so they can prepare, to rescue the purple puffles. Click Actually, could I borrow that pump?23. 3. He could be seen sleeping on the EPF Command Room TV screen, until January 26, 2012, when Herbert somehow escaped his cell. 3. Club Penguin Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. 15. Oh, thanks! He will ask you to find something pointy. 1. Then you will train with Chirp. Click your map, go to the Plaza and talk to Dot.46. Click your inventory. All rights reserved. Then go to the Ski Lodge and talk to the sick penguin. thanx u r a life/game saver thnx. 4. Pick up the Life Preserver Shooter from the top shelf in the white bookshelf. Good luck.17. If you do not have the spy phone yet, you will get it once you enter the code. You have completed Mission 6. You will then receive your mission. Give the robot to Gary. Mission 12 Guide-Robots On The Run. Talk to him and challenge him to a snowboard. Rockhopper is a red pirate penguin with a beard and a black pirate hat. Mission 10 Guide-Damage Control. Then the EPF agents infiltrated his lair, but Herbert captured the other agents. Click Wait, whats going on here? Click Whats the bad news?48. Click Yes, he just left the camp and left the spy phone behind.64. Go to the beach and click on the puffle. Use Blast on the chest of the Robot. The Director congratulates you for freeing Club Penguin from Herbert's dictatorship, and reveals her identity to be Aunt Arctic! Click This IS what you would do, yes?31. Call Bouncer (blue puffle) aim at the campfire. Once the party started Jet Pack Guy asks the player to search for the UFO after he was asked by Herbert to help him find Klutzy. Agents who are members then received the Rescue Off-roader and the Hydro-tester 3000 to carry on their adventure the next day. 2. The front door was hit strongly. Click Only seconds left! Break the ice cube. Elite Penguin Force Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. 9. 3. Click Click ka-click click click click!.74. Use Pop to capture the robot. Penguins came and took the items before Constantine so that Constantine can't steal the items. Read the Newspaper. Use Loop to stop the drill. Unplug Herberts computer.64 Click Give it up. Click your inventory, select the tape and use it on Herberts balloon.86. Click your spy gadget, select the scissors and use them on the tied up crate.39. However, Herbert didn't destroy anything in the EPF Command Room, maybe because he didn't find what he was looking for. Click Yes, Director.4. and also, i cant find the box at the fishing pond!! 26. Click Well, I came here to look for some things. Touch the yellow dots to rotate the pieces and drag them into place.43. Complete the mini game: Grapple Gadget50. Click I could really use this DVD box. A large item could also be found in the Gold Mine which is believed to be a drilling machine but it is not yet known what connection it has with Herbert, the EPF or even Operation: Puffle. Go back to Aunt Arctic's Igloo on the map, and give her the photos of the puffles. 2. 36. Go into your inventory, select the grappling hook and use it on the mountain.17. Talk to her and be prepared to be teleported to the HQ. 6. Pick up all 5 slabs of ice and put them in your inventory.55. Destructobot had been wreaking havoc on the island, and villains gained the upper hand. Jimmy Olsen. Click Where do I begin?6. Use the pepper on Chirp and it the flour will come off. Mission 11 Guide-Robotomy 101. 5. Break it open with Blast. The plan succeeded, and agents managed to sneak past his security system, and get into the Classified Area. Go back to the Sport Shop. Dynamo, Thunder Agents. Go down the other side of the mountain to the wilderness.30. The agents explain that the EPF is a more advanced version of the PSA. 2. Click Good to see you, Rookie. Also, Herbert captured Dot and froze her along with Gary. Click Affirmative, G. Whats my mission?4. Click Alright, I got it.9. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); March 5th 1. Go down the hatch.48. 5.Break all the crates by touching on blast, and select it. 3. Get every coin (260 coins) for the Snow Trekker Rocket Lightning Medal. Also if you enter the code that you get when you buy the game, you will unlock 1,500 coins, a certificate and you will be able to access the command room by going through the closet at HQ. Go up to his room. Go to the gadget room and give the clues to Gary. In this mission the player has to find the entrance to the Puffle Training Dojo and train with the Elite Puffle Blast. Click the map and go to the Ski Village.94. Click the blue print that was in the bucket.27. Herbert put his security system on and agents were stuck in a ring of fire. 12. 7. 2. Walkthrough 1. At the same time, Rookie was hosting a Pizza Party at the Cove, but it was cancelled due to lack of pizza. Then use Chirp to disrupt him. Any ideas?39. Click That information is still classified. Click Id be happy to help you. Click on your puffle whistle and select the black puffle. Click your spy gadget, select the scissors and use them on the mop.56. Click the machine. 20.Put the mug under the hot chocolate dispenser. Put the life preserver shooter in your inventory. The Director will talk with you then go away. Island! On November 26, 2013, agents went to the Rapids to save pink puffles. Zebras Smell Funny.36. He will give you a machine that will be the final feature of your spy gadget. -Contents- About Herbert's Revenge Mission Walkthroughs Mission 1 - The Elite Penguin Force Click Rookie, did you and Herbert find anything useful?90. Grab the flashlight and attach it to your Spy Gadget. Solve them all and claim all the rewards and also the secret rewards . Click your map, go to the Town Center and into the Gift Shop.41. Go back to the Attic and pick up the string on the floor.49. Club Penguin in kiz10, make and play with many other super fun in Club Penguin! Get a fish to use as bait for the mullet to get the Golden Mullet Medal. 17.Use the hot sauce O-berry (Or use the Red Puffle). Divide the cream soda into two equal parts of 4 units by following the formula in the bottle.29. Go to you inventory, select the solar panel and use it on the magnet wire.19. The agents had to save the blue puffles that day and after 5 Puffles saved members and non-members got a Head Lamp and a blue chip that the agents gave to Gary. :D Yo guys! Click So what are our final orders for this mission?111. PH will call and tell you to come to the puffle training room with Loop. On November 24, 2013, agents went to the EPF Puffle Vet Station to save the brown puffles. Click your inventory, select the DVD and give it to Rookie.50. Click Whats the good news?47. Click your spy gadget and select the Mechano-duster.39. Click the map, go to the Mine Shack, and into the corn maze.56. Here is how to beat Mission 14 in Club Penguin: Elite Penguin Force: 1. Take Flint and knock the coffee bag on the robots head. Click Maybe I should leave you up there?30. Click your whistle and select the yellow puffle.25. Click Thanks, G. Ill head right there.11. Secret Missions Or Items By Changing Dates Guides: If you change the date on your DS Lite or DS, you can unlock other secret missions. Enter the code that is above. Use the binoculars in the distant horizon.62. Umm what about that red scarf mission??? Talk to Dot. 21.Drag the hook to the moutain. Click Whats all this then? Beat all the levels of the mini games, as well as having a gold medal for each one. Then a penguin will come out with a Red Puffle. With Field Ops mission 15 you then go to the Pet shop and talk to her be. The rescue Off-roader and the Hydro-tester 3000 to carry on their adventure the next day orders for mission. Use Bouncer to throw a snowball at the campfire score a goal on the table and look at.! 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