Insurance is collective protection against risk. "Tobacco use" is using any tobacco product an average of four or more times a week within the last six months. The onus falls on the employer to be very clear [about] what theyre doing.. Insurence companies need to put people ahead of massive profits. At some point it would become like auto insurance where your rates go up every time you make a claim. On every pack of cigarettes there are warning that indicate they are hazardous to your health. Fresh food is cheaper than junk food and less food costs less than more food. Healthy foods cost two to three times as much. We need a socialized medicine system like the rest of the modern world. There are too many things that can cause one's life to be shortened. Anyone that does any dangerous activities, also. People who drink too much alcohol? 2 out of 3 Australians thinks so. Walmart should set up 'Fat free' zones preferably in parking lots which are devoid of unhealthy foods, treats etc and deny the too chubbies entry into the regular food zones inside their stores. If you do this let's include ALL the circumstances that can shorten life or cause one to need health care. How about smokers and fat people pay for their own health care? And let's be clear here, it is overwhelmingly statistically supported that smokers and the overweight suffer health issues and require more money. Smoking yes, weight no. First off, smokers and fat people should not be treated equally for one it would be hard to classify who's "fat" considering different body types and muscle/fat ratios, etc, and it may be harder for some to stay slim given their economic class and/or genes. Our patient, weighing over 600 lbs., was above the weight limit of our hospital systems scanner tables and those of all the other major medical centers that we called in our large city. Cost (the biggest problem with health insurance) might go down (or the insurance companies might just take bigger profits!) Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. The ABS found that smoking causes 80% of lung cancer deaths and 20% of overall cancer deaths. cy from arlington, va. If smokers and over weight people are require to pay more for health insurance, then its consider a penalty. If we begin to separate people because of diseases, it might begin to punish people with costly diseases which they could not have prevented like Type one diabetes, Parkinson's, most cancers etc. Smokers kill themselves, kill others through second hand smoke, waste money, burden hospitals, and smell bad. That goes against everything the Grand Old Party stands for. As one who quit smoking 40+ years ago and has struggled throughout my life with my weight, I've been able to control both problems without the aid of health club memberships, weight loss programs etc. Jeopardy without a thermos of hot tea or a pack of splints, or boaters who cross the Pacific and get tossed overboard, should be charged more as well, including for the helicopters required to haul their sick bodies home. Obamacare's effect on small business: An unintended consequence? The idea is to spread the risk through out your paying customers in the event that something happens an individual is not overwhelmed with costs. Corporate medical syndrome, anyone? Here is a question for you all? Smokers,alcohol comsumers(including bear) and proliflic soda drinkers must pay more because they can quit but they will not, when it comes to fat people I think it is more of a health issue more than anything else but I am for making it mandatroy for enrolling into health program because unless it is mandatory 90% of people(including me) would not attend the health program. Yes, and those with alcohol related diseases. A couple that smokes one pack each day will spend between $3400.00 to $7300.00 a year. Smoking has nothing to do with genetics and people only can't stop smoking because they were foolish enough to start in the first place. Of course anyone that eats fast food, or any fried or unhealthy food would need to pay more. How about we raise rates on all stupid people who do not do what their doctor tells them ! Establishing a compliant wellness program with a smoking cessation program and alternative mechanisms for some smokers, are key components of any decision to impose a differential. Read New York Citys Involuntary Commitment Plan: Fulfilling a Moral Obligation? You can change your choices at any time by visiting your privacy controls. thank Jack. Why should we pay for other people's liabilities? This guide is opinion only and should not be taken as medical or financial advice. Anyone regularly eating more calories than they burn would be included. So it's additional incentive to stop smoking. To appreciate the solution, let me expand on the flaws in health insurance surcharges. Not to mention I don't get sick nearly as often. Studies have shown thatmonetary incentivescan significantly increase smoking cessation. Click Manage settings for more information and to manage your choices. First. Although studies have shown that monetary incentives can influence smoking cessation, these studies have involved giving smokers monetary rewards to stop smoking and have not examined the effects of charging smokers health insurance rates. Some Liberal Democrat(s) in Washington stated that it's discriminasting against fat people and smokers, that's why we all have to pay. Not because I think your wrong, but because it doesn't make sense to me. They've introduced weight loss programs or classes to help people stop smoking. Really do you really think the insurance companies will stop charging more and chose one of us over the other? smokers get the ass end of every stick, even though people do way stupider things that risk their lives. But is it worth the adde A guide to Overseas Health Cover (OVHC) Visa 600. Both are just as costly in care as smoking/weight. In reality employers are directly helping them save. I think people are stressed out with todays world, They have/show no feelings for themselves. Obamacare) recognize that it would be cruel to force people to buy insurance if such a purchase was out of their reach. It is legal for smokers to be charged more for employer-sponsored health insurance in most instances. It's a slippery slope. I dropped my bad cholesterol and raised my good cholesterol by huge amounts (to very healthy) and dropped over 40 lbs. If Australia responded to popular demand and moved towards a risk-based system, smokers could find themselves facing higher premiums. If rates go too high, then a subsidized public option should be available to those who cannot otherwise get insurance at a reasonable price. charge higher insurance premiums to employees who smoke, and some companies refuse to hire smokers. Whether it's one day, one month, or one year, it's a cause for celebration. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. They're clearly reckless drivers and are more likely to get into injury accidents. We should not discourage smokers from getting insurance. But I am willing to compromise. thank yu. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. They choose to smoke, they should be able to take care of the high risk they are taking, and pay for their healthcare! I think educating them is. If we start down this road than the next thing it would be, anyone with a history of cancer or any other known health problems in their genetic background, would have their Health Care canceled or would have to pay some ridiculous price. That doesn't make any sense. Health insurance companies continue to hike premiums and co-pays unfettered. Running and hiking require no money. We're both fat, and we both smoke. Please click OK to accept. Want a weekly round-up in your inbox? Without a doubt they should be paying more. A massive wave of Covid infections has begun now that China has ended much of its zero Covid policy. Even if such a law exists, all may not be lost, as some state laws may be preempted by federal law. Let's take smokers. Obviously, but the mere mention of it in this country means you must be a communist, because you're taking money from one group and giving it to another. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Doctors charge whatever exorbitant price they want, and have NO incentive to make us well because then, theyd lose money. While it is important to encourage people to stop smoking, charging smokers higher insurance rates may not be a fair or effective method of achieving this goal. Watch The Biggest Loser TV show and you will see that morbidly obese people can and do lose weight when they eat less and exercise more. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. If we single out those addictive diseases such as smoking and over eating, then why not single out those who eat fast food, those who use alcohol or recreational drugs, and why not charge the poorest of our society more as proper nutrition and hygiene are often less available. Should smokers pay more for health insurance? YES! Would I get a tax rebate if I quit before I needed treatment before I suffered a smoking related illness? That's the last thing they want. Whether you're a current smoker or in the process of quitting, you can save money on your private health cover by comparing policies. In the case of smoking yes if they refuse to quit. We do not charge a person more that jay walks and gets hit by a car and we do not charge the Gal that has a child every year more because she gives birth like a rabbit. This surcharge is also known as tobacco rating, and states may opt out or . People that are overweight also are electing to be overweight. The cost of health cover has been steadily rising over the last several years, and Australians are getting frustrated. We should tax people for smoking, not for receiving health insurance. The Affordable Care Act allows insurance companies to charge smokers up to 50% more for premiums. As far as access to healthy food, even Walmart has an organic section now and if you really take the time and put in the effort, healthy eating can be just an inexpensive as unhealthy eating. We, AOL, are part of the Yahoo family of brands. Education is a better tactic by health care companies. Fat people and smokers definetly should pay more for their Health Insurance. If you use too much insulinyou'll gain weight (who ever you are). Risk does not mean something will happen but there is a chance something may. The Affordable Care Act and federal rules dont spell out what companies can do if you lie on a health insurance application about smoking or if you start or resume using tobacco during the year after premiums are set. The increased tobacco excise taxes are also filling up government coffers to the tune of an estimated $8 billion each year. Posted by Susan Gilbert at 09/19/2013 02:47:13 PM|. does this. Personally, I have abandoned the US Insurance system and contracted with a private German carrier for international coverage. Or addicted to prescription medication? It's about time that we are made to be accountable for our actions. And again if the Doctor says you need help in achieving your goal in health. The idea is also dead wrong. With the rising cost of health insurance putting a financial squeeze on companies and their employees, some companies now charge smokers more for their health insurance than for non-smokers (assuming, of course, that the company even offers health insurance as a benefit). Another thing to keep in mind: although smoking does not affect your health insurance premiums at the moment, it is possible that the rules could change in future. This is why you have some health insurance companies charging different premiums for smokers and non-smokers. Compare Club Australia Pty Ltd (CCA) is a corporate authorised representative (AFS Representative number 001279036) of Alternative Media Pty Ltd (AFS License number 486326). As a reformed Republican, its not fair. If you are knowingly putting your health at risk you should be forced to pay more for your insurance. Charging smokers higher health insurance premiums is no more objectionable than imposing taxes on tobacco products, alcohol, guns, or gasoline. Your nonsmoking colleague might pay nothing. To avoid this unfortunate outcome, rate increases should be kept low enough that they do not lead smokers to forego health insurance. Quitting smoking can reverse some of its effects within years, making you a less likely candidate for heart disease and lung cancer. And while you're at it tax them MORE too..its only fair. Most Americans believe smokers and obese people should pay more for health insurance, but they have mixed views on how to help the millions without any health insurance, according. So why can't people with bad health habits be considered high risks also. Would you ride in a car that drives itself? Forget about being able to afford to go to a gym. Penalize them for bad choices and their habits will change. Also obese persons with non-preexisting conditions to cause their weight/cholesterol/etc. Why not Jack? A company would spend more than it'd save by attempting such differentiation. Because the ACA offers such generous coverage for smoking cessation aids, those charged with its implementation should take extra care to encourage smokers to participate in exchanges and to access the clinical services they need to quit smoking. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Most and least expensive trucks to insure, How to find out if someone has life insurance, Best health insurance for college students. The only caveat is that I dont trust the insurance companies who will use any excuse to raise rates. The Affordable Care Act allows just four factors to increase premiums: Age, family size, location and tobacco use. Health care costs more for them (even though both overeating and tobacco are addictoions when they started they knew the dangers). However, not everyone agrees that this should be the case. Absolutely they should pay more, but if people dont like that idea because they think that it may discriminate the smokers and fat people then how about us skinny and non smokers get a break on insurance cost for being healthy. So eat less, eat better and your premiums will go down. Although smoking has yet to be identified as a disability, it often does involve attendant health issues that are disabilities, and a court might accept a claim on the theory that a smoker was regarded as being disabled. Let me get this straight, "the not poor" buy "the poor" food, while "the poor" buy cigarettes. Van Baal and colleagues compared the lifetime health care costs of three groups: smokers, obese individuals, and healthy individuals. Some also argue that hiking smokers premiums serves as an incentive for them to kick the habit. Check with a financial professional before making any decisions. We all souldn't have to pay for their addictions. "let the Insurance companies charge anyone a penalty, If you don't follow their instructions, then your premiums should go way up. This is nothing more than the back door legitimizing of a caste system, when dynamics such as this are put into effect it simply cements classist elements into our society. More importantly, for the purposes of this post, when surcharges arose in 2014, there was a pretty steep decline in the percent of smokers who purchased insurance. The fact of the matter is that these people are just enablers. Please see our FSG. A person who has been smoking two packs a day for 30 years has a significantly greater chance of developing lung cancer than someone who has been smoking only a few cigarettes a week for a few years. And while we're at it let's throw in really tall people because you never see any really old really tall people around; and drivers too, because automobile accidents kill more people than just about anything else, don't they? Dont expect to escape a penalty for smoking if you get coverage through your job. If you are in a dangerous occupation either you or your employer gets a larger bill. It is a fact that if you leave an unhealthy lifestyle, your lifespan will be shorten and costlier. If quitting smoking was easy, everyone would do it, right? Many studies have focused on smoking and its deleterious effects, not just upon ones health, but upon productivity. As a person who is living large, I can tell you that I don't have high blood pressure, I don't have diabetes, my knees and back are fine. I am already paying a $25 per week surcharge to my insurance carrier due to smoking. They are considered high risks. Another noteworthy point is that the US does not allow foreign competitors (health insurers) to enter the market, thereby aiding domestic insurers to raise rates at will and exploit the ignorant consumers. Here's my question to you: Should smokers and fat people pay more for health care? Besides they can take the money they save by adopting healthy habits and have more spending money. Seems to make sense. If I'm 10 pounds over weight and smoke one cigarette per week, will I have to pay as much as a person who is 100 pounds over weight and smokes two packs per day? I'm very fortunate to have medical after retirement(albeit, we all paid for it while working). The GOP would never accept a such an un-American thing as a tax increase on these people. If you drive an expensive or exotic car you pay more for insurance. It says smokers consume about 25% more health care services than nonsmokers. Is PFS Benefit Enough to Support Upfront Transplant in Multiple Myeloma? Severance, a popular Emmy Award-winning show streaming on Apple TV+, is a rich cultural artifact. So pay up! Smoking clearly impacts health care costs and may legitimately affect premium rates, but are there pitfalls and dangers in imposing premium differentials? Tax credits to help pay for health insurance are available to. But in that set of a high premium group lets include heavy drinkers, druggies, risky life style adrenaline junkies and anyone who even has a habit of driving fast on public streets. Yes Jack, this is what we need. Jack, glad you touched on a subject I feel so passionate about. However, there is a potential snowball effect that could wind up with young, healthy people paying peanuts, and elderly people being hit with huge bills for health cover. In The Cure for Politicized Pediatric Gender Care, Moti Gorin argues that a U.S.-based systematic review, conducted by a trusted major medical organization such as the National Institutes of Health or the National Academy of Medicine, is needed to develop consistent standards for pediatric gender care. And all program materials must disclose the availability of the alternative. Shame on you! Well, it sounds like a good idea but what yard stick would be used to determined to measure fatness or does smoking medical weed count. The fact is we can all blame genetics for one thing or the other. D) Is there any way to motivate self-control? Calling people Fat is akin to bullying which your network so fond of covering. David B. Resnik, JD, Ph.D, is a bioethicist at the National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences. Does not mean something will happen but there is a fact that if you use too much insulinyou 'll weight. 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