45. 42nd Annu education credit from the Auburn University College of Conv AAEP 2632, 1996. 2. Vet Surg. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd 107:619625, the slapped area enter the spinal cord via thoracic nerves 1965. and lateral branches over the hock. hind forelimb canine equine stifle mammals. Horses, oxen, and dogs have seven cervicalvertebrae (Table 1). 16. Steiss JE: Muscle disorders and rehabilitation in canine athletes. Comparative anatomy refers to the study of the similarities and differences in the structures of different species. Equine Vet J 12:101108, 1980. Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies provide general somatic afferents to the skin over the The medial palmar digital nerve can be palpated and caudolateral antebrachium; in the horse and dog, an blocked along the abaxial aspect of the sesamoid autonomous zone for this nerve is located on the caudal bone.3942 The medial palmar digital nerve can also be antebrachium.44 The remainder of the ulnar nerve passes anesthetized at the level of the foot, either where it over the medial epicondyle of the humerus and inner- emerges just distal and deep to the ligament of the ergot vates carpal and digital flexor muscles. b. inability to adduct the pelvic limb. Bookshelf Affected animals cannot adduct the pelvic nous branch arises from the femoral nerve close to its limbs, which frequently splay out on slick surfaces.35,53 exit point from the iliopsoas and innervates the sartorius Animals that are nonambulatory due to calving paralysis muscle. Future Stars Challenge 1 Fifa 22, The head has been skinned and most of the cutaneous musculature has been removed except that on the muzzle (compare with Figs 2.27- 2.30 of the dog). Contraction time and fatigue indexes were determined for the same forelimb muscles. articulation and cranial to the septum between the long The tibial nerve runs between the two heads of the and lateral digital extensors.39,41,42 The peroneal nerve gastrocnemius muscle and crosses the stifle on the sur- can also be blocked as it emerges from under the biceps face of the popliteus.1 The tibial nerve provides general femoris muscle and crosses over the lateral side of the somatic efferents to digital flexors and tarsal extensors in head of the fibula, providing analgesia to the dorsal por- all species discussed. Forelimb - Anatomy & Physiology Contents 1 Common Structures of the Proximal Forelimb and Shoulder 1.1 Scapula 1.2 Clavicle 1.3 Humerus 2 Joints of the Proximal Forelimb 2.1 Shoulder Bones in the human arm, the forelimbs of horses and dogs, a bat's wing, and a penguin's flipper all share a similarity in basic structural pattern called homology. Distally, bones are numbered 1-5, though 5 is always fused with 4. The transverse processes are been reported in the horse infrequently, usually occurs in plate-like and flattened dorsoventrally. The size varies from bred to bred. It innervates the supraspinatus and infraspinatus tory function in horses with suspected cervical spinal cord damage. Femoral morphology of sciuromorph rodents in light of scaling and locomotor ecology. Distal to the or where it courses beneath the collateral cartilage of the efferent branches to these muscles, the ulnar nerve is third phalanx.3942 The dorsal branch supplies general largely sensory. The first cervical vertebra, The axis is the longest vertebra in most species.4 known as the atlas, has large wings and a thick Its cranioventral aspect has a bony projection ventral arch instead of a true vertebral body.1 In called the dens, which represents an embryonic the horse and dog, each wing of the atlas is per- fusion of the centrum of the proatlas and centrum forated by a transverse foramen that conveys 1 of the axis (which is phylogenetically the body the vertebral artery. The horse skeleton is the rigid framework of the body that consists of bones, cartilages, and ligaments.There are two hundred and five bones found in horse skeleton.In this long article, I will discuss the osteological features of all bones from the horse skeleton anatomy labeled diagram. Okay, let's start to learn the animal joints anatomy name with bone involvements. Nickel R, Schummer A, Seiferle E: Nervensystem Sinnesorgane Endokrine Drusen. JAVMA 187:10191020, medicine. 5. d. 10 cm proximal to the accessory carpal bone, 10. CE Article #1 Comparative Anatomy of the Horse, Ox, and Dog: The Vertebral Column and Peripheral Nerves Jonathan M. Levine, DVM, DACVIM (Neurology)a Gwendolyn J. Levine, DVM Anton G. Hoffman, DVM, PhD Jason Mez, DVM Gerald R. Bratton, DVM, PhD Texas A&M University ABSTRACT: Knowledge of the peripheral nervous system and vertebral column anatomy is important in veterinary medicine.This article describes the vertebral column anatomy, vertebral column biomechanics, and peripheral nerve distribution in the horse, ox, and dog. Fascial Anatomy of the Equine Forelimb is a concise book of only 186 pages, filled with numerous relevant and recent images clearly showing the equine fascial anatomy in the forelimb, backed up with informative text to describe the images, allowing identification of all the structures for even a novice anatomist. Am J Vet Res 52:352362, 1991. In summary, the striking similarity of many individual structures between the FL and HL was not seen as a major conundrum by earlier non-evolutionary comparative anatomists because they believed that the design of animals followed an "archetype" created by a supernatural or vital power. This site needs JavaScript to work properly. Start studying comparative anatomy of forelimb. In all species, the thoracic vertebrae are COMPENDIUM EQUINE September/October 2007, 3 We have noticed that you have an ad blocker enabled which restricts ads served on the site. However, the superficial branch has all of the caudal thigh muscles. Download Neurophysiologie 0 euroklinik.de. My Vet Life Comparative Leg Anatomy Dog, Pig, Cow, Horse jaz-myvetlife.tumblr.com. The content has been carefully selected for its interest and relevance to a modern audience. While structurally it is a ball and socket joint, it functions as a hinge joint due to extensive muscling around the articulation. 49. Townshend HGG, Leach DH: Relationship between intervertebral joint paresis and cervical spinal cord and medulla lesions has morphology and mobility in the equine thoracolumbar spine. (Getty, 1975) but differs in case of horse (Getty, 1975) and dog (Evans and Chrisensen, 1979). 46:23722377, 1985. ing muscles in the peroneal distribution. WebThe Skeletal System Of The Horse Has Three Major Functions In The Body www.pinterest.com. The olecranon articulates with the humerus via its anconeal process. 10. Subjects. Studies of bovine disk mor- The vertebral column of the horse and ox is relatively rigid compared with that of the dog.The regions of greatest mobility in the horse are the cervical spine and the lumbosacral junction. 17. 1 What does this similarity (homology) mean: descent from a common ancestor (evolution), or creation according to a common plan ( creation )? Rooney JR: Two cervical reflexes in the horse. Fascial Anatomy of the Equine Forelimb. The atlantoaxial joint is responsible for 73% of lateral cord and brainstem disease in horses. High radial nerve paralysis, brachium.33 The lateral cutaneous antebrachial nerve does which results from disruption of the nerve proximal to not continue past the carpus in the horse as it does in branches that distribute to the triceps brachii muscle, other species.3,29,33 The deep branch provides motor inner- results in total inability to support weight on the affected vation to the carpal and digital extensor muscles.3,28,29,33 limb.3537 Injuries distal to the tricipital branches result in The course of the radial nerve in the ox and dog is low radial paralysis, which is characterized by inability to fairly similar to that in the horse, as is the motor inner- support weight at the carpus or digit.35,36 Animals with vation.3,28,29,33,34 In the ox, the superficial branch receives low radial paralysis walk on the dorsum of the carpus or COMPENDIUM EQUINE September/October 2007, 6 Hackett MS, Sack WO: Rooneys Guide to the Dissection of the Horse, ed 4. The success and handiness of our original Hoof Anatomy Pocket Guide, led us to create this expanded, in-depth guide to the equine distal limb. Vestigial Structures: Vestigial hindlimbs (c) of the baleen whale. 1997 Nov;234(2):155-82. doi: 10.1002/(SICI)1097-4687(199711)234:2<155::AID-JMOR4>3.0.CO;2-B. Based on lever arm mechanics, it was expected that the forelimb of the prairie dog would show features appropriate to the production of relatively large forces and that of the fox squirrel to relatively great velocity. Evolution is nothing but a genetic change that occurs in a population over time. The head of the humerus comprises greater and lesser tubercles, separated by an intertubercular groove through which runs the tendon of the biceps brachii. Comparative Anatomy of the Horse, Ox, and Dog CE 291 Williams and Wilkins, 2002. Using the same two animals as a comparison, human hands and dog paws when seen side by side share the exact same bones in different places. Nickel R, Schummer A, Seiferle E: The Locomotor System of the Domestic 29. Which statement is not true regarding the inter- 50. The Forelimb of the Horse 24. Joints of the forelimb in animal. anatomy. Cox VS, Breazile JE, Hoover TR: Surgical and anatomic study of calving d. Intervertebral disk disease in the ox is infrequently paralysis. In the horse, this nerve can be blocked somatic afferents to the dorsomedial aspect of the digit 10 cm proximal to the accessory carpal bone between and cornium of the hoof.31,43 A small autonomous zone the flexor carpi ulnaris and the ulnaris lateralis muscles, is present in this area in the horse.44 before it branches into dorsal and palmar divisions.3842 The lateral palmar nerve of the horse joins the palmar The dorsal branch of the ulnar nerve can be palpated branch of the ulnar nerve at the carpus and can be and blocked along the accessory carpal bone as it travels blocked at the level of the proximal end of the splint distally to innervate skin over the lateral metacarpus in bone.3942 It receives the communicating branch from the horse and ox.46 An autonomous zone for the dorsal the medial palmar nerve near the distal end of the ulnar branch in the horse exists over the dorsolateral metacarpus. Ghoshal NG, Getty R: Innervation of the leg and foot of the horse (Equus c. wider in companion animals than large domestic caballus). Comparative anatomy between dogs and humans has been described in other sources. 52. The carpal joint is a compound joint composed of: The joint is a synovial joint, compring a common outer fibrous capsule and three inner synovial pouches, one for each joint. These act as 'ligaments' preventing dislocation of the shoulder. External generative organs. Win32 Disk Imager Portable, There are no true ligaments in the shoulder joint. Introduction to anatomy, branches of anatomy, terminology, anatomical planes and directional terms, comparative anatomy of forelimb region (equine, ruminant, canine): osteology of forelimb, arthrology of forelimb, myology of shoulder, brachium, antebrachium and digital regions; blood vessels of the forelimb, their scheme and identification . Cox Jr VS, Breazile JE: Experimental bovine obturator paralysis. Comparative Anatomy Of Forelimb Of Camel , Ox And Horse www.slideshare.net. 7 Figure 3: Comparative anatomy of the forelimb of a human, dog, and horse shows that learning the anatomy of one will help you learn the anatomy of other animals. Ghoshal NG, Getty R: A comparative morphological study of the somatic column biomechanics? 55. JAVMA 219:16811682, 2001. Kitchell RL, Whalen LR, Bailey CS, et al: Electrophysiologic studies of cuta- neous nerves of the thoracic limb of the dog. . Unable to load your collection due to an error, Unable to load your delegates due to an error. These muscle are responsible for joining the forelimb to the trunk, forming a synsarcosis rather than a conventional joint. 48. 2007 Apr;52(4):401-19. doi: 10.1016/j.jhevol.2006.11.005. 54. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal Philadelphia, Lea & Febiger, 1989. c. Supraspinatus/infraspinatus contracture of the dog is 64. Subscribers may purchase individual 42. Vet Clin 2. c. inguinal area. Metacarpals 9. . d. It is extremely accurate for detecting laryngeal paresis. In the dog, the cutaneous area of the median The medial palmar nerve of the horse lies in a groove nerve in the paw, which covers the palmar surface of dig- between the interosseus and flexor tendons and can be its II, III, and IV, is completely overlapped by the cuta- blocked at the proximal end of the splint bone or just neous branches of the palmar branch of the ulnar nerve. In the forelimb of animal, you will find the following joints - #1. 1 2010 CVM 6100 Veterinary Gross Anatomy General Anatomy & Carnivore Anatomy Lecture Notes by Thomas F. Fletcher, DVM, PhD and Christina E. Clarkson, DVM, PhD Elbow joint (consists of 3 joints) #3. A comparative study of the forelimbs of the semifossorial prairie dog, Cynomys gunnisoni , and the scansorial tree squirrel, Sciurus niger, was focused on the musculoskeletal design for Comparative anatomy between dogs and humans has been described in other sources.13. We have chosen to use some terms consistently throughout the chapter, rather than use equally acceptable synonyms. The canine forelimb is known also as the thoracic limb and the pectoral limb, but we use the term forelimb. The uppermost bone in the foreleg is the scapula, or shoulder blade. Those 6:102107, 1984. who wish to apply this credit to fulfill state relicensure 43. 46. Comparative Anatomy of the Horse, Ox, and Dog: The Vertebral. enlarge. 282 CE Comparative Anatomy of the Horse, Ox, and Dog lateral bending (44) and axial rotation (27). Which statement is false regarding the supra- cephalopathy: A vitamin E deficiency that may be familial. 2007;6(3):168-76. doi: 10.1080/14734220701332486. ARTICLE #1 CE TEST 40. Comparative Anatomy - Dog Skeleton vs. Cat Skeleton . The body is cylindrical in its . Vertebral Formulas and Spinal Nerve Roots Supplying Major Peripheral Nerves in the Horse, Ox, and Doga Horse Ox Dog Vertebral Formula C7T18L56S5Cd1521 C7T13L6S5Cd1821 C7T13L7S3Cd520 Brachial Plexus Nerves28,34,b Suprascapular C6, C7 (10/10) C6, C7 (10/10) C6, C7 (6/6) Subscapular C6 (3/10) C6, C7 (10/10) C6, C7 (6/6) C7 (10/10) Musculocutaneous C7, C8 (10/10) C6 (9/10) C68 (6/6) C7 (10/10) T1 (2/6) C8 (9/10) Axillary C6 (1/10) C7, C8 (10/10) C6 (5/6) C7 (10/10) C7 (6/6) C8 (10/10) C8 (2/6) Radial C7 (1/10) C7T1 (10/10) C6 (5/6) C8 (10/10) C7T1 (6/6) T1 (10/10) T2 (3/6) Median C7 (1/10) C8T1 (10/10) C7 (5/6) C8T2 (10/10) C8, T1 (6/6) T2 (4/6) Ulnar T1 (10/10) C8T2 (10/10) C7 (1/6) T2 (9/10) C8, T1 (6/6) T2 (4/6) Lumbosacral Plexus Nerves1,50,c Obturator [L3], L4, L5, [L6] L4, L5, L6 [L4], L5, L6 Femoral [L3], L4, L5, [L6] [L4], L5, [L6] L4 (5/11) L5 (11/11) L6 (9/11) Sciatic [L5], L6, S1, [S2] L6, S1, [S2] [L5], L6S1, [S2] Common peroneal [L5], L6, L7 Tibial L6S1, [S2] aNumbers in parentheses designate the number of animals containing particular fiber distributions out of the total number studied. 60 The ipsilateral eye is to the tarsocrural joint; the general pattern of subsequent shielded with one hand to avoid stimulating the visual branching is very similar to that of the horse and ox. Skull . Clayton HM, Townsend HG: Kinematics of the cervical spine of the adult horse. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. humerus equus caballus Radius 6. Those involved (brachiocephalic m., biceps brachii, supraspinatus, and ascending pectorals) have other, more primary roles. Traditional Arepa Recipe, Specific attention is paid to special reflexes of the horse. J Hum Evol. innervation of the crus and pes of the domestic animals. Matcher SJ, Winlove CP, Gangnus SV: The collagen structure of bovine Equine Pract 7:505514, 1991. intervertebral disc studied using polarization-sensitive optical coherence 39. in response to a slap over the saddle region. nucleus pulposus is a viscoelastic matrix of glycosamino- glycans and disordered type II collagen fibrils.12 Despite The Sacrum and Caudal Vertebrae the frequent use of ex vivo ox disks to model human The sacrum of the horse represents the fusion of four disk degeneration, we were only able to find one report to six sacral vertebrae (usually five). Anat Histol Embryol 19:359368, 1991. cLangley JN, Anderson HK: The innervation of the pelvic and adjoining viscera. For diagnostic purposes, these branches can both be nerve can be palpated just caudal to the fibular head in blocked approximately 10 cm proximal to the tibiotarsal the dog and is often blocked at this point. These two breeds of horse, at either end of the equine athletic spectrum, are ideally suited for comparative studies of equine hind limb anatomy and muscle architecture. texts, including Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria,47 and cli- extensor tone.35,51 In calves, femoral nerve palsy is often nicians divide the lumbosacral plexus into a lumbar secondary to stretching and trauma resulting from dys- plexus and a sacral plexus. Modern comparative anatomy dates from the work of French naturalist Pierre Belon, who in 1555 showed that the skeletons of humans and birds are constructed of similar elements arranged . The flexor retinaculum is the carpal fascia on the palmar aspect and lies between the accessory carpal bone and the medial aspect of the carpus. Webforelimb anatomy veterinary horse leonca bones dogs dog different deviantart animal vet canine limb they horses studies help name skeleton. A small sesamoid bone embedded in the medial tissues of the joint can sometimes be mistaken as a chip fracture. The Neck, Back, and Vertebral Column of the Horse 20. Evans HE, Delahunta A: Millers Guide to the Dissection of the Dog, ed 4. Which statement is true concerning vertebral 56. 62. The Clavicle is all but absent in most domestic species, with the notable exception of the avian skeleton. Distally, the humerus culminates in a condyle which articulates to form the elbow. 27. The architecture is similar and lateral dorsal metatarsal nerves is necessary to com- to the thoracic limb digital innervation.3,29 In the ox, the pletely desensitize structures in the distal limb. spinal cord, or laryngeal lesions. Figure 6-10, Page 165 . Comparative Anatomy of the Horse, Ox, and Dog CE 289 the entire plantar medial digit and the axial surface of the The cervicoauricular reflex can be elicited by tapping lateral digit. The dog brain is on average 72 grams. The atlanto-occipital joint permits lateral movement 57. FOIA visit to the Natural History Museum (perks of living in London) and loved looking at the hugely diverse range of skeletons displayed in the natural world. Haghighi SS, Kitchell RL, Johnson RD, et al: Electrophysiologic studies of d. held in place by transverse and intercapital ligaments. reduced or lost clavicle = minimal need for lateral movement of forelimb ( no need for species to abduct limb laterally ex. 16,21 Relatively little crosses the lateral aspect of the axillary artery,28 sends a movement occurs from T16 through L6. Fiber type distribution in the shoulder muscles of the tree shrew, the cotton-top tamarin, and the squirrel monkey related to shoulder movements and forelimb loading. The site is secure. PMC 2019 Jun;234(6):731-747. doi: 10.1111/joa.12980. In the bending, dorsoventral flexion, and extension.15 The neck horse, the nerve is not protected by an acromion and of a galloping horse undergoes 28 of vertical motion, thus is susceptible to injury by compression against the which aids in generating thoracic limb protraction.20 edge of the scapula. Rhinology, Orbital Apex: Correlative Anatomic and CT Study, Dehiscence of the Lamina Papyracea of the Ethmoid Bone: CT Findings, The Anatomy of the Orbita Wall and the Preseptal Region: Basic View, Review Article Microsurgical Anatomy of the Orbit: the Rule of Seven, EBO Syllabus Eyelids, Lacrimal System, Orbit, Orbit, Eyelids, and Cranial Nerves III, IV, & VI, Comparative Anatomy of the Horse, Ox, and Dog:The Brain And, Dissection of the Eyelid and Orbit with Modernised Anatomical Findings, Anatomy Mnemonics Inner Wall Bones of Orbit, Total Maxillectomy and Orbital Exenteration, Pathology of the Eyelids, Conjunctiva and Orbit, Ocular Anatomy & Physiology Learning Objectives, Pyocele of the Orbit Following Fracture of the Maxilla* by F, Anatomy of the Orbit and Its Surgical Approach, Computed Tomographic Diagnosis of Posterior Ocular Staphyloma, Superior Orbital Fissure Syndrome of Uncertain Aetiology* Report of Ten Cases by A. Lateral:Supraspinatus and Infraspinatus. 290 CE Comparative Anatomy of the Horse, Ox, and Dog The slap test can be used to detect cervical spinal tomography. It then courses with the femoral artery distally, probably have concurrent involvement of the sciatic providing general somatic afferents to the skin over the nerve.53,54 medial crus and, in the horse and ox, the dorsomedial The sciatic nerve emerges from the pelvis via the metatarsus and fetlock joint (Figure 2).48 In the dog, the major ischiatic foramen (horse and ox) or ischiatic notch sensory supply to the skin of the medial pelvic limb is (dog). 4282 CE Comparative Anatomy of the Horse, Ox, and Dog lateral bending (44) and axial rotation (27). The ventral Homologies or analogies are body parts that are similar. Comparative anatomy: Homologous bones of the forelimb in human, dog, bird, and whale. Web(2c) There is no difference in fresh bone density between the itypes of dog and horse, but dog bones tend to be more dense than horse bones. Several forelimb muscles of the fox squirrel show significantly higher mean contraction times than do the homologous muscles of the prairie dog. b. general somatic efferents to digital flexors. The Comparative Anatomy of Man, the Horse, and the Dog - Containing Information on Skeletons, the Nervous System and Other Aspects of Anatomy. The lateral palmar metacarpal block in the forelimb, which ipsilateral facial nucleus is ultimately stimulated, result- desensitizes the head of the suspensory ligament.3942 ing in the caudally directed ear movement. The tendons of insertion of the supraspinatous and infraspinatous muscles cross the shoulder joint and insert laterally on the greater tubercle of the humerus. Home. The medial pal- nerve IV, which supplies the axial surface of digit IV, and mar nerve and lateral palmar nerve are the two major a communicating branch to the palmar branch of the branches of the median nerve in the horse. It includes the Scapula, Humerus, Radius, Ulna, Carpals, Metacarpals, and Phalanges bones. This ossifies with age. Anat Histol Embryol 15:122138, 1986. Signal Mountain Apartments, The concave Biomechanics ventrum of the sacrum has four larger foramina. Some Notes on Comparative Anatomy. 37. The nucleus pulposus of the ox is similar to that of tion and neurogenic atrophy of quadriceps femoris muscle in calves. Veterinary Medicine. Only Pongo and humans exhibited a second main superficial vein on the medial side of the forearm. J Physiol (Lond) 19:85121, 1895. dorsal arch, and possess large articular processes with and wider than the other cervical vertebrae. No structures pass through it. So today I paid a cheeky (free!) A comparative multi-site and whole-body assessment of fascia in the horse and dog: a detailed histological investigation. Spine 29:972978, 2004. horse is gently slapped with a hand just caudal to the 14. Horse; cutaneous zones. It houses just the deep digital flexor tendon in the dog. 38. The medial plantar nerve innervates COMPENDIUM EQUINE September/October 2007, 9 The digestive system ( cat) ( dog) includes the mouth, teeth, salivary glands, esophagus, stomach, intestine, pancreas, liver and gall bladder. Equine Vet J 16:147149, 1984. This allows a very small amount of rotation. Comparative myology of the forelimb of squirrels (Sciuridae). Artificial Selection: Selective breeding has resulted in a wide variety of distinct dog breeds. The Scapula forms the basis of the shoulder region, providing points of attachment of extrinsic and intrinsic muscles. The Pelvis and Reproductive Organs of the Horse 23. The Humerus is the long bone of the arm, articulating with the scapula to form the shoulder and the radius and ulna to form the elbow. Philadelphia, Lippincott COMPENDIUM EQUINE September/October 2007, 11 6. 51. On the dorsal craniolateral of the atlas).47 The dens rests in a fovea located in surface of the wing, the horse and ox possess an the ventral portion of the vertebral foramen of the alar foramen that conveys the ventral ramus of atlas, where it is held in place by the apical liga- the C1 spinal nerve. The trochlear notch on the cranial aspect of the ulna articulates with the large trochlea of the humerus which forms the main elbow joint capable of flexion and extension. 4 The Farmer wants the animals to work more. WebStart studying Comparative Forelimb Anatomy. Am J Vet Res 23:939947, 1962. nerve anatomy is important in the practice of veterinary 24. Southeast Psychiatry Services, LLC is dedicated to serving the psychiatric needs of Montgomery, Alabama, the River Region, and the Southeast US. Anat Histol Embryol 15:139146, Saunders, 1986. Epub 2006 Dec 10. Horse Eskeleton | American Paint Horse, Horse Painting, Dog Anatomy 1 Type of the Paper (Article) 2 Comparative distal limb anatomy reveals a primitive 3 trait in 2 breeds of Equus caballus. The Fossil Record: Changes over time in the leg and foot bones of horse ancestors. A = Dog/Cat - R and I fused B = Horse - no 1st CB C = Pig D = Cow - no 1st CB - 2nd/3rd CB fused. J Mammalogy 43:205219, 1962. Part of a comprehensive 3-volume set that also covers Ruminants (Volume 1) and The Horse (Volume 2), the Color Atlas of the Dog and Cat takes a . Of attachment of extrinsic and intrinsic muscles cross the shoulder joint and insert laterally on the greater tubercle the. Of distinct Dog breeds cervicalvertebrae ( Table 1 ) lateral movement of forelimb ( no need for movement... 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Pelvis and Reproductive Organs of the Horse, Ox and Horse www.slideshare.net Changes.