Anyway, whichever prayer you choose for your day of con secration, make sure you spend some time today meditating on it (or on them, if you decide to pray both prayers tomorrow). The Offering to Merciful Love Nine months after St. Ther'ese discovered her Little Way, something happened that catapulted her far along its path. He will undoubtedly awaken before my great eternal retreat, but instead of being troubled about it this only gives me extreme pleasure. That work, which she began in obedience to her superior, Mother Agnes, helped her to see more clearly than ever Gods tender mercies enveloping her whole life. I mean, proper conscience formation and learning to see through the lens of mercy doesnt just happen. Its to hope against hope, like Mary did at the Cross, believing in the impossible, namely, that God could even raise Jesus from the dead. Now, Fr. (For other recommended titles on mercy, see the Resource Pages.) And therefore although the angels feed on Christ spiritually, yet it does not belong to them to eat this sacrament spiritually. Michael E. Gaitley, MIC Marian Joi presS STOCKBRIDGE MA 01263 2016 Copyright 2016 Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception of the B.V.M. The heart-healing graces of die Offering to Merciful Love dont usually come all at once. Now; at this point, many of us may be enthusiastically agreeing, Thats right! (126 pages.) A must-read for all those who desire to bear witness to the mercy of God . The soul, illumined by a ray of Gods powerful final grace, turns to God in the last moment with such a power Endnotes 193 of love that, in an instant, it receives from God forgiveness of sin and punishment, while outwardly it shows no sign either of repentance or of contrition, because souls [at that stage] no longer react to external things. Wisdom & Works of Mercy; Stage 3. For instance, we read the following in the introduction to her autobiography: T [Jesus] set before me the book of nature; I under stood how all the flowers He has created are beautiful, how t he splendor of the rose and die whiteness of the Lily do not take away the perfume of the little violet or the delightfill simplicity of the daisy. I found myself pleading with God for the world with words heard interiorly. March 14 - Day 3 3/33. Well, in a certain sense, yes, because it in creases our longing for God. 347-348. What about your family?213 In die next section, Ill explain how you and your family can invite Jesus, the Divine Mercy, into your home and, then, how you can enthrone the Image of Divine Mercy there as well. Okay, so heres the second key question in Thereses ardent prayer: Is Your disdained Love going to remain closed up within Your Heart? That is the million-dollar question! When will she be able to love God perfectly with his own divine love? Its truly amazing. He wrote that a person who fervently makes such a prayer of spiritual communion can receive the same grace as one who fer vently receives sacramental Communion!211 Alright, so now that we know what it is and its potential power, lets see how we can make the Spiritual Communion of Merciful Love. Alright, so, lets spend today reflecting on the six para graphs of the Offering that we covered today. The stirring sequel to Father Michael Gaitley's 33 Days to Morning Glory -- published just in time for the Jubilee Year of Mercy! As you pause here in the ecce moment with empty lungs, the soldiers lance thrusts through Jesus side and into his Heart, causing blood and water to flow out and down like a waterfall, down into your heart and soul. Oh, what pain they cause Me when they do not want to accept them!216 You, at least, come to Me as often as possible and take these graces they do not want to accept. 38-39. One sister that Therese probably had in mind as one with a lot of imperfections was Sr. Marie of St. Joseph, who suffered from mental illness and lived on the periphery of the Lisieux community, because nobody' was willing to work with her, except for Therese. Erfahren Sie, wie wir und unser Anzeigenpartner Google Daten sammeln und verwenden, Pray the Rosary for the conversion of souls. To address such difficulties, I dedicated a whole section of the book Consoling the Heart ofJesus to the question, How can I console Jesus if hes happy in heaven?195 Since that time, however, Ive reflected even more deeply on this topic, and here Id like to share some insights that both complement that earlier writing and help summarize the theology of consoling the Heart of Jesus (in three points). As Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, hes a perfect Family of Love, and we can add nothing to his greatness, glory, or happiness. Tomorrow, well learn more about how God can and will bring little souls to the heights of holiness. I am completely self-sufficient and dont need you, but you need me for everything." He will know how He can come and get you. Yes, and thats why the Chaplet is so mighty. No. Emphasis added. Console The essence of the Offering to Merciful Love is to console the Heart of Jesus by accepting all the Merciful Love that other souls dont want. My mortifications consisted in breaking my will, always so ready to impose itself on others, in holding back a reply, in rendering little services without any recognition, in not leaning my back against a support when Endnotes 195 seated, etc., etc. how I would like to be able to make you understand what I feel! To die of love is a beautiful thing. I will not stop singing my song of love until the choir ofAngels picks it up. Yes. "207 He goes on to call dris reality a fragment of lifes deep logic.208 But if Jesus doesnt need us, then how can there be a true and loving friendship between him and us? We must strive to show mercy. Well, that didnt faze him. Stores . 190 See, for example, Diary, 611, 651. It is the time of mercy in the whole Church. Theyre not essential to the consecration. 207-8. He was willing to prose to God that he loved him more than his own son. 86 33 DAYS TO MERCIFUL LOVE Thereses boldness in relying on the merits not only of God but of the saints and angels reaches new heights after she reminds the Lord of his promise in Scripture to grant whatever we ask. WEEK ONE: What Is Trust? Agree to stumble at every step therefore, even to fall, to carry your cross weakly, to love your helpless ness. DAY 14 No More 'Thieves of Hope' Yesterday, we learned that St. Therese of Lisieux is a prophet. Buy 33 Days to Merciful Love: A Do-It-Yourself Retreat in Preparation for Divine Mercy Consecration by Father Michael Gaitley, Michael E Gaitley online at Alibris. Its the idea that God lowers himself more togive himselfto little souls than to thegreat souls. I mean, I couldnt have put the objection better myself. As soon as you try to please Him in everything and have an unshakable trust He purifies you every moment in His love and He lets no sin remain. Again, as St. Therese said to the Lord, For me to love you as you love me, I would have to borrow your own love." All rights reserved. 1, p. 226. Actually, according to Therese, God doesnt just want us to bypass purgatory; he wants us to stop talking about it as if it were nearly impossible to avoid. 161 Story ofa Soul, p. 214. In fact, in a sense, its sometimes better that little souls arent successful. 9. 24 As well learn in Week Three of this retreat and elsewhere, consoling Jesus is an important part of St. Thereses spirituality. Seraphim, it means praise and thanksgiving. It means to praise and thank God in all things. Help me to believe in God and bis love for me, even when life seems meaningless, routine, and empty. Because people who dont think theyre sinners dont clearly see the reality of Gods love, theyre blind to their sins. WEEK TWO: The Little Way 61 In the Church today, theres a lot of talk of the time of mercy, a time of great grace and blessing. Inhale after doing about 20 seconds of empty lungs. Alright, well, now its time for a personal story. Its the face of Christ in his Pas sion. Sr. Marie had asked St. Therese, If I fail even in the small things, may I still hope to get straight to heaven? Now, Therese knew the young nun's weaknesses very well, and yet she still responded with beautiful words for little souls: Yes! She was perhaps like some of us who see sins in the Church and die world, get angry, and want fire and brimstone to come down. Most of us are among the vast majority of humanity who are not famous, not well known, and not held up high on die pedestal of public opinion. And so, for Therese, saints like the great Teresa of Avila were like eagles, soaring on the heights of holiness; whereas, she simply saw herself as a weak little bird without strength and unable to fly. 2, s.c. and ad. 189 In my opinion, the best translation of St. Thereses autobiography Story ofa Soul is by John Clarke, OCD. Okay, having explained the meaning of ecce, fiat, and magnificat and how each of these three words applies to the APPENDIX ONE: Living the Offering 165 three moments of our breathing (eccr/empty, fiat/m, magni ficat/out), I think it might be helpfill to put it all together with a meditation. 63 Ibid., p. 113. When I became conscious of this grace, I was instantly snatched up before the Throne of God. Eve disobeys God and leads Adam along the same path. For instance, lets hear some of die sins of she who sees herself as weakness itself.136 They included impatience with a sister, a missed oppor tunity to make a sacrifice, aversion to a medicinal drink, an interior movement of curiosity toward a magazine.137 Surely these arent the kinds of sins that thrust most people into discouragement! Mary' said, Behold (Ecce), I am the handmaid of the Lord (Lk 1:38). (By the way, I'm going to be using the words trust and faith pretty much interchangeably because in Thereses teaching, theyre more or less the same.) Please forgive us our sins. In fact, thats really the most amazing part: Jesus need is to show mercy and to save us. Nonetheless, when we consider the Merciful Love that God pours into our hearts, it tends to be much easier to let out an outward song of praise. 164 33 DAYS TO MERCIFUL LOVE 1 jTart's Words Applied to Breathing. 33 Days to Merciful Love: A Do-It-Yourself Retreat in Preparation for Divine Mercy Consecration Paperback - Illustrated, Feb. 15 2016 . 2M Ibid. It was actually all about faith, not love. Chris burst into my office after having just offered Mass. 39 fulfilled. And what was Marys immediate response? Well also remember that she didnt give in to the darkness, that she eking to God with the light of faith. Of course, Marys Heart is not the source of grace and mercy, but the love of her Heart helps move us to open our hearts to receive Gods gifts. 1 believe it will become a spiritual classic, right up there with 33 Days to Morning Glory.''' Be a little more humble and realistic. Yes, I believe. Available from: Marian Helpers Center Stockbridge, MA 01263 Prayerline: 1-800-804-3823 Orderline: 1-800-462-7426 IMPRIMI POTEST: Very Rev. And because she was so little and trusted completely in Divine Mercy, she believed that Gods mercy would surely rush to the lowest place her little soul! In short, she discovered her Little Way, and then her faith was tested, and then she passed the test every day, to the very end. Now, the child, who is all of us litde souls, cannot even climb the first step of that big staircase were too litde. So, let me repeat: To live the Little Way, we must be merciful to others. They do have sins, and lots of them. For instance, Francis would have certainly felt it sinful for him to accept a family inheritance of a mansion. He will know how He can come and get you. Its that moment at Mass when, through him, with him, and in him, the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ is offered up to the Father as a perfect sacrifice of love. Neverdieless, probably widi Sr. Marie in mind, she wrote the following: I was thinking about the souls who offer themselves as victims of Gods Justice in order to turn away the punishments reserved to sinners, drawing them upon themselves. Because of lais faith. The Latin word ecce means behold. Mary spoke this word at the Annunciation when die angel Gabriel announced to 162 33 DAYS TO MERCIFUL LOVE her that she would be the mother of the Messiah. I say that because, while she was not physically crucified at Calvary, she did suffer a kind of spiritual crucifixion. Michael Gaitley MIC this 33 Days to Morning Glory Group Retreat goes more deeply into understanding and living Marian consecration than the book alone. Absolutely not. In fact, we may have to fight depression, discouragement, and even despair. Well, shortly after entering the seminary, I began to feel that even S Introduction 17 the quickest and easiest path was not enough for me, which was a problem. And shes effective not only because shes such a tender mother, but also because, as the Church teaches, shes a Mediatrix of grace.27 By a Mediatrix of grace, I dont mean that Mary is the source of grace. Seraphims words, I knew he was right, because I remembered how Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta had often written about the importance of accepting everything with a smile, with praise and thanksgiving. Carmel July 16 June 19 St. Mary Magdalene July 22 June 29 St. Alphonsus Liguori August 1 July 12 St. Maximilian Kolbe August 14 July 13 The Assumption August 15 July 20 Queenship of Mary August 22 August 3 Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta September 5 August 6 Nativity of Mary September 8 August 10 Holy Name of Mary September 12 August 13 Our Lady of Sorrows September 15 August 27 St. Therese of Lisicux October 1 September 2 St. Faustina Kowalska October 5 During a leap year, when February has 29 days, die starting date is February 21. DAY 10 Discovery of Divine Mercy Thereses discovery of the Little Way a straight, short, and totally new way to die heights of holiness for litde souls is really a discovery of Divine Mercy. We entered the nine-domed Temple of Kali, where the figures of the Divine Mother and Shiva rest on a burnished silver lotus, its thousand petals meticulously chiseled. 65 St. Therese knew that God does not judge based on appearances. This offering seemed great and very generous to me, but I was far from feeling attracted to making it.w After reading these lines, one can almost hear the sighs of relief from all little souls. Michael E. Gaitley, MIC, author of the bestselling book Consoling the Heart of Jesus, comes an extraordinary 33. I say new heights, because she actually asks God to take posses sion of her soul120 and to sacramentally remain in her as in a tabernacle. Can we even ask for that? Specifically, it happens during what I call the supercharged moment of the Mass. Fr. Sister Marie died in the spring of 1895, and her obituary arrived at the Lisieux convent on June 8, where it was read aloud in the refectory, probably that same day.8 The next day, June 9, Therese received die inspiration to make her Offering to Merciful Love. Thats why even today, after all he has done for us, people still avoid Jesus. So, he can share with us not only his joys but also his needs, sorrows, and pains and we can console him. More specifically, I want us to see our present preparation for making an Offering to Mercifill Love not as an exercise in learning spiritual theology but, rather, as a response to Gods gift of mercy in this time of mercy. 33 days to morning glory retreat companion pdf 33 Days to Merciful Love is the stirring sequel to the international sensation, 33 Days to Morning Glory. Well, Therese is a great Doctor of the Church because she discovered such a way - rather, she rediscovered it. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. the moments of breathing is called empty. Its that brief, fragile moment in between an exhale and an inhale that, if we were to hold it too long, we might pass out. the Love and merits of the Blessed Virgin, my dear Mother. A: Pray for us. Youll be purified by love and, if you live die Litde Way and die Offering, you need have no fear of purgatory.180 Moreover, your heart will receive healing graces that will make it more sensitive and compassionate to die suffering of others. Yet hes silently nursing at my breast? Letter 197 is St. Thereses response to a letter from her sister Marie (Sr. Marie of the Sacred Heart), which itself was a response to one of Thereses teachings that we read earlier: the little bird that could not fly. To choose the path of mercy means being merciful to others. The moment in obviously refers to inhale and follows the moment of empty lungs. 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